TEA Party rally set for Big Bear

TEA party rally set for Big Bear

Linda Smith is hosting a TEA party, but it’s not what it seems at first glance.

There is a Taxed Enough Already rally set for noon Wednesday, April 15, at the corner of Stanfield Cutoff and Big Bear Boulevard. “It’s a Boston Tea Party movement going across America,” Smith said. “On tax day, April 15, there will be demonstrations about the tax situation.”

Smith is organizing one for Big Bear Valley residents. She encourages those who are against the current tax situation to participate in the rally by bringing signs to protest taxes. “If you can’t be there, you can drop off a tea bag,” Smith said. “I’m boxing up tea bags and sending them to the White House that the number of bags represents the people who are against high taxes. We’ve been taxed enough already. It’s time for a TEA party.”

Smith said there are more than a half-dozen Web sites relating to the nationwide protest. She said people can Google “taxed enough already” to find out more about the movement. The official conservative TEA party Web site is www.teapartyday.com.

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